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snagging inspection finding faults with new build home

Is a Snagging Inspection Worth It in 2024?

Why a Snagging Inspection is Essential for New Builds in 2024

When you invest in a brand-new home, it’s natural to expect everything to be in perfect condition. However, even the most pristine-looking new builds can have hidden issues that may not be immediately apparent. This is where a snagging inspection becomes invaluable. In 2024, snagging inspections have become an essential step for newly built homeowners, ensuring that any defects—whether minor or significant—are identified and addressed before they escalate into costly problems.

The Evolving Landscape

The construction of new homes has become increasingly sophisticated, involving a complex blend of modern materials, innovative designs, and tight construction timelines. While this evolution has brought many benefits, it has also introduced new challenges. Issues such as poor insulation, improper installation of fixtures, and structural weaknesses are not always visible to the untrained eye. Fortunately, advancements in technology have revolutionised snagging inspections. Tools like drones and thermal imaging cameras now enable inspectors to detect problems that would otherwise remain hidden, ensuring your new home meets the highest standards of quality and safety​

What is a Snagging Survey?

A snagging survey is a thorough inspection of a newly built property designed to identify any defects or unfinished work. These defects, often referred to as “snags,” can range from minor cosmetic issues, like paint drips or uneven flooring, to more serious structural problems, such as leaks, faulty electrical systems, or inadequate insulation. The primary purpose of a snagging survey is to ensure that your new home is delivered to the highest standard, free from any defects that could affect your comfort, safety, or the long-term value of your investment.

Technological Advancements

In 2024, snagging surveys have evolved to incorporate advanced technologies that significantly enhance their effectiveness. For example, drones are now commonly used to inspect hard-to-reach areas like roofs and gutters, providing a comprehensive view of potential issues that might otherwise go unnoticed. Similarly, thermal imaging cameras are employed to detect problems with insulation, heating systems, and even structural weaknesses within walls. These tools allow inspectors to provide a more accurate and detailed assessment of the property, ensuring that any issues are identified and addressed before they can cause serious damage​ 

Why a Snagging Inspection is Essential in 2024

Common Issues Detected

Even in the most meticulously planned new builds, issues can arise that may not be immediately noticeable to the untrained eye. A snagging inspection is designed to catch these problems early, preventing them from escalating into more severe and costly repairs. Some of the most common issues detected during snagging inspections include:

  • Misaligned Fixtures: Doors and windows that do not close properly are a frequent issue, leading to drafts and potential security concerns. Similarly, kitchen cabinets and wardrobes might be misaligned, impacting their functionality​ 
  • Inadequate Insulation: Poor insulation is a common snag in new builds, which can lead to significant energy inefficiency. Thermal imaging is often used during inspections to detect these issues, ensuring that your home is properly insulated​ 
  • Faulty Plumbing: From leaking pipes to improper drainage, plumbing issues can quickly become serious if not addressed. A thorough snagging inspection will test all plumbing fixtures to ensure they function correctly​ 
  • Poor Construction Practices: Issues such as uneven flooring, cracks in plaster, and improperly installed electrical systems are common findings during snagging inspections. These can all impact the safety and comfort of your new home​ 

Cost Savings and Investment Protection

Addressing these issues during the snagging inspection phase can result in significant cost savings in the long term. By catching and rectifying problems early, you can avoid the expense of more extensive repairs down the line. Additionally, ensuring your home is free of defects can protect your investment by maintaining or even enhancing its market value​ 

DIY vs Professional Snagging Inspections

Some homeowners opt to conduct their own snagging inspections, particularly if they have a good eye for detail or prior experience in construction. Basic DIY snagging involves checking for visible issues, such as:

  • Cosmetic Flaws: Paint drips, scratches on surfaces, or poorly fitted carpets.
  • Functional Checks: Testing doors, windows, and plumbing fixtures to ensure they operate correctly​ 

However, DIY snagging has its limitations. Without the proper tools and expertise, many subtle yet significant defects can be missed. This is why, despite the potential cost savings, more than a DIY approach might be required to ensure that your new home is truly up to standard.

Professional Snagging Inspections

Professional snagging inspectors bring a level of expertise and thoroughness that is hard to match with a DIY approach. They are trained to identify not just the obvious defects but also the more subtle issues that could develop into major problems. Some key advantages of hiring a professional include:

  • Specialised Equipment: Professionals use advanced tools such as thermal imaging cameras and drones, which allow them to detect issues that are not visible to the naked eye​ 
  • Comprehensive Reporting: A professional inspection includes a detailed report outlining all the issues found, along with photographic evidence. This report can be a powerful tool in negotiating with the developer for repairs​ 

Understanding Your Rights and Timeframes

It’s crucial to report any snags as soon as they are discovered. For minor cosmetic issues, many developers operate on a “7-day rule,” where snags must be reported within the first week after moving in. For more significant issues that impact the home’s functionality or safety, you typically have a 2-year defects liability period during which the developer is legally obliged to make repairs​ 

New Homes Quality Code (NHQC)

The New Homes Quality Code (NHQC) was introduced to improve the standards of new builds and the service provided by developers. It requires developers to address any snags reported promptly, ensuring that new homeowners are fully supported. The NHQC is a vital tool for consumers, giving them the assurance that any issues will be dealt with efficiently and to a high standard​ 

How to Choose a Professional Snagging Service

Key Considerations

When selecting a professional snagging service, it’s important to ensure they have the right credentials and a strong track record. Key considerations include:

  • Certifications: Look for inspectors who are members of professional bodies such as the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS).
  • Experience: Choose a service with extensive experience in inspecting new builds, as they will be more familiar with the common issues that arise​ 
  • Scope of Inspection: Ensure the service offers a comprehensive inspection that covers both interior and exterior elements, as well as the use of advanced technology like thermal imaging​ 

Questions to Ask

Before hiring a snagging inspector, ask the following questions to ensure they meet your needs:

  • What tools and technology do you use in inspections?
  • Can you provide a sample of your inspection report?
  • How many new builds have you inspected?
  • What is your process for following up on identified snags?

These questions will help you gauge the inspector’s expertise and the quality of the service they offer​ 


A snagging inspection is a crucial step in safeguarding your investment in a newly built home. With the increasing complexity of construction in 2024, addressing issues early—like misaligned fixtures or faulty plumbing—can save you from costly repairs and ensure your home is up to the highest standards.

Don’t Leave Your Dream Home to Chance

At Home Snagging UK, we provide thorough snagging inspections with no detail overlooked. Our advanced technology and decades of experience ensure your new home is built exactly as promised. Ready to protect your investment? Contact us today at 01302 957388 or [email protected] to schedule your inspection.

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We’re home snagging specialists with over 20 years of experience snagging new build homes. We identify construction defects, big or small, that your developer may have missed. We are fully qualified surveyors who work with our customers to make sure they get the perfect home.