Thermographic inspections use infrared technology to find heat abnormalities in a home and identify problems.
The evolution of thermographic technology has been beneficial to home snaggers, allowing faults in homes to be noticed much more efficiently, whereas, in the past, these faults may not have been able to be noticed at all. In this article, we will cover the role of thermographic inspections in home snagging and the benefits that it provides.
Finding Leaks
Thermographic inspections can help identify leaks and moisture that may not be visible to the naked eye. These leaks could be behind walls, in the ceiling, or underneath the flooring. Thermographic imaging is very accurate at detecting water leaks, even in pipes that you may not even know exist.
This is important for preventing problems with mould before they exist, or identifying where mould problems may already be. Mould can greatly damage the structure of a home which can be a danger to those inside. On top of this, mould can also be toxic for a person, so thermographic inspections are brilliant when it comes to the safety of people in the building.
Thermographic inspections can also help identify air leaks. These are usually located in openings of your home, such as doors and windows. Identifying these is important as an air leak can cause drafts, which could in turn cause you to use more energy for heating.
Issues with Insulation
Thermographic inspections can help home snaggers identify where insulation may be missing or damaged. If your home is having problems with its temperature, then you may want to consider a thermographic inspection to identify any issues.
Faulty insulation can lead to a loss of energy and heat, which can impact your finances massively when trying to make up for this energy loss.
If you are noticing a loss in heat or energy that concerns you, click here to find out more about our inspection services.
Faulty Electricals
Thermographic inspections can also help with identifying electrical issues in your home. This can include, but is not limited to, faulty wiring or a broken circuit system. This is crucial to the safety of those in the home as electrical issues can be a fire hazard. Thermographic technology can identify these risks, which can be difficult to spot on your own.
On top of the risk element of faulty electricals, it is also just an inconvenience that can impact your day-to-day life, and you may not even know what the problem is.
Luckily, you can book an inspection with us to make sure everything is okay in your home. It’s not worth the risk to not check, always stay on the safe side.
HVAC Systems
You may need a thermographic inspection to see if your Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) systems are working properly. Thermographic technology can see the heat distribution in your home and recognise faulty HVAC systems.
This is important when it comes to personal comfort in the home and, if your home is too cold, it could be the cause of negative health conditions.
If you are worried about the temperature in your home, a thermographic inspection may be a good idea to see if your HVAC systems need repairs. Even if you are not noticing any problems, it’s always best to be careful and make sure.
In conclusion, a thermographic inspection is a very effective way to check for dangers and problems in your home. It can help you find problems that are difficult, or impossible, to see with the naked eye. It can help you discover problems such as faulty electrics, insulation, or leaks before they become a risk to your home and well-being. Making sure your home has no problems before they can get worse is also a way to reduce future repair costs.
Home Snagging UK
At Home Snagging UK, we ensure that your property is finished to your requirements. We also take great pride in our precision and care for every last detail, making sure that any snags are corrected. Our professional snaggers have received training in a variety of topics, such as maintaining a consistent finish and preventing defects. Learn more about our snagging packages here. Or, follow us on Instagram to stay up to date.