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snagging survey what to do after

What to do Following a Snagging Survey

Welcome to the comprehensive guide on navigating the post-snagging survey process. As a new homeowner, it’s natural to ask, “What should I do after receiving my snagging survey results?” This question is especially pertinent for those who have recently completed a snagging survey for their new home. We aim to provide a detailed, step-by-step guide to help you effectively manage the findings of your snagging survey.


Understanding Snagging Surveys


Before diving into the steps, let’s first understand what a snagging survey is. A snagging survey is a thorough inspection carried out on new properties to identify any issues or ‘snags’ that need addressing. These could range from minor cosmetic concerns to more serious structural problems. Conducting a snagging survey is a crucial step in ensuring that your new home meets the highest standards of quality and safety.

Why is a Snagging Survey Important?

The importance of a snagging survey cannot be overstated. It serves as your first line of defence against potential defects in your new property. By identifying issues early, you can ensure that they are addressed by the developer before they escalate into major problems. This not only protects your investment but also ensures that your home is safe, secure, and built to last.

Navigating the Snagging Survey Findings

The journey post-snagging survey involves several critical steps:

  • Read Your Snagging Survey: Start by carefully reviewing the list of snags identified in the survey. Pay close attention to the details and accompanying images. If there’s anything you’re unsure about, don’t hesitate to contact your snagging surveyor for clarification.
  • Communicate with Your Builder: After understanding the report, forward it to your home builder. It’s vital to keep them informed about the defects discovered. They should arrange a visit to inspect the property and discuss the survey findings with you. Remember, effective communication is key in ensuring that these issues are resolved promptly and satisfactorily.

In the following sections, we’ll delve deeper into each of these steps, offering insights and advice on how to effectively address the issues uncovered in your snagging survey.

Reading and Understanding Your Snagging Survey

Once you have your snagging survey report in hand, the real journey begins. Understanding the contents of this report is crucial for the next steps in ensuring your new home is up to the mark.

Step 1: Dive into the Details

Your snagging survey report is more than just a list of flaws. It’s a comprehensive document that sheds light on the condition of your new home. Here’s how to approach it:

  • Read Thoroughly: Go through each item listed in the survey. Pay special attention to the details and ensure you understand the nature and extent of each snag.
  • Examine Images and Descriptions: Snagging surveys often come with images and detailed descriptions. These visual aids are invaluable in helping you grasp the exact issues and their locations on your property.
  • Note Down Queries: If anything in the report is unclear, make a note of it. This could include technical terms, the severity of issues, or anything that seems ambiguous.

Step 2: Engage with Your Snagging Surveyor

  • Clarification and Advice: Don’t hesitate to get back to your snagging surveyor for clarification on any points you’re unsure about. A good surveyor will be more than willing to explain the findings and offer advice on how to proceed.
  • Understanding Implications: Some issues might seem minor but could have significant implications. Your surveyor can help you understand which defects are cosmetic and which could potentially lead to bigger problems down the line.

Step 3: Prioritising Issues

  • Create a Priority List: Not all snags are equal. Prioritise the issues based on their severity and the impact they have on the safety and functionality of your home.
  • Plan for Discussion with the Builder: With a clear understanding of the survey, prepare for a detailed discussion with your builder. Having a prioritised list will make this conversation more productive.

Communicating with Your Housing Developer

Having a clear understanding of your snagging survey, the next pivotal step is communicating these findings to your housing developer. This stage is crucial in turning the issues identified into actionable resolutions.

Step 1: Forwarding the Survey Results

  • Send an Official Communication: Once you’ve comprehended your snagging survey, prepare to send the report to your home builder. This should be done formally, either via email or as a hard copy, ensuring there is an official record of correspondence.
  • Include a Cover Note: Accompany the report with a cover note that highlights key concerns and expresses your expectation for a timely response and resolution.

Step 2: Arranging a Meeting

  • Request for Inspection: Ask the builder to schedule a visit to your property to inspect the issues firsthand. This helps in making the discussion more concrete and focused.
  • Prepare for the Discussion: Before the meeting, ensure you’re clear about the issues you want to address. Prioritise the snags based on their impact and urgency.

Step 3: Professional Representation (Optional)

  • Consider Expert Involvement: If you’re not comfortable handling the discussion alone or if the issues are complex, consider having a professional from Home Snagging UK or a similar service accompany you or represent you in these discussions.
  • Advantage of Expertise: A professional can articulate the issues more technically and negotiate effectively, ensuring your concerns are addressed adequately.

Step 4: Clear Agreement on Resolutions

  • Document the Builder’s Commitment: Ensure that any agreements or promises made by the builder are documented. This could be in the form of a follow-up email summarising the discussion and the builder’s action plan.
  • Understanding Timelines: Clarify when and how the builder intends to rectify each identified defect. It’s important to agree on realistic and acceptable timelines for the completion of these repairs.

Ensuring Snag Rectification

After a fruitful discussion with your home builder, the next step is ensuring that the agreed-upon snagging defects are rectified efficiently and effectively.

Step 1: Monitoring the Rectification Process

  • Stay Informed: Keep in regular contact with your builder to monitor the progress of the rectification work. This can be done through scheduled updates or site visits.
  • Check the Work: As the rectification work progresses, take the opportunity to inspect the changes. Ensure that the work being done aligns with what was agreed upon.

Step 2: Understanding the Scope of Work

  • Clarify What’s Being Done: Make sure you have a clear understanding of the work that will be undertaken to rectify each snag. This includes knowing the methods and materials that will be used, as well as the expected outcomes.
  • Ask Questions: If there’s anything you’re unsure about during the rectification process, don’t hesitate to ask for clarification from the builder or a professional advisor.

Step 3: Dealing with Unresolved Issues

  • Identify Unresolved Snags: If there are snags that the builder is not willing to rectify, understand their reasons. If their reasons are not satisfactory, prepare to take further action.
  • Seek Professional Advice: In such scenarios, consult with your snagging surveyor or a legal advisor to understand your options and next steps.

Step 4: Ensuring Quality of Work

  • Quality Checks: After the rectification work is completed, conduct a thorough check to ensure that all the repairs meet the expected standards of quality and finish.
  • Professional Re-inspection: Consider hiring a professional for a re-inspection, especially for complex or major repairs. This ensures an unbiased assessment of the rectification work.

The Importance of a Re-inspection Post-Rectification

Once the snagging issues have been addressed by your home builder, it’s vital to ensure that the work has been completed to a satisfactory standard. This is where a re-inspection plays a crucial role.

Step 1: Scheduling a Re-inspection

  • Timing: Schedule a re-inspection after the builder has informed you that all the repair work is complete. This allows for a thorough assessment of the rectifications.
  • Professional Involvement: While you can do a preliminary check yourself, it’s advisable to involve a professional snagging surveyor for a comprehensive re-inspection. This ensures an unbiased and detailed evaluation.

Step 2: Assessing the Quality of Repairs

  • Detailed Examination: During the re-inspection, each previously identified snag should be reviewed to ensure it has been corrected properly.
  • Check Against Original Report: Compare the current state of the repairs against the original snagging report. This helps in verifying that all issues have been addressed.

Step 3: Addressing Any Remaining Issues

  • Identifying Unresolved Snags: If the re-inspection reveals that some snags have not been rectified satisfactorily, document these issues.
  • Communication with Builder: Communicate these findings to your builder immediately. Provide them with a detailed report of what still needs to be addressed.

Step 4: Ensuring Full Resolution

  • Follow-Up Actions: In cases where issues are still unresolved, discuss the next steps with your builder. This may include additional repair work or other corrective measures.
  • Keeping Records: Maintain a record of all communications and findings from the re-inspection. This documentation can be crucial if disputes arise later.

Handling Refusal to Fix Snags and Exploring Warranty Claims

Despite your best efforts, there may be instances where your home builder refuses to address certain snags identified in your survey. This can be a frustrating experience, but there are steps you can take to seek resolution.

Step 1: Understanding the Refusal

  • Seek Clarification: If your builder refuses to fix certain issues, ask for a clear explanation. Understanding their reasoning can help you determine your next course of action.
  • Review Your Contract: Check your purchase agreement or contract for any clauses that might influence the builder’s responsibilities towards snag rectification.

Step 2: Consulting Your Snagging Surveyor

  • Professional Advice: Contact your snagging surveyor for advice. They can provide insights into the severity of the snags and the validity of the builder’s reasons for refusal.
  • Exploring Alternatives: Your surveyor might suggest alternative solutions or remedial actions you can take if the builder is unwilling to cooperate.

Step 3: Warranty Claims

  • Understand Your Warranty: Most new homes come with a warranty that covers various defects. Understand the terms of your warranty and what it covers.
  • Initiating a Claim: If the builder refuses to fix a problem covered by the warranty, consider filing a claim with your warranty provider. Be aware that there may be fees involved in initiating this process.

Step 4: Legal Recourse

  • Legal Consultation: If the situation remains unresolved, and you believe your rights as a homeowner are being violated, it may be time to consult a legal expert.
  • Document Everything: Keep detailed records of all communications, reports, and actions taken. This documentation will be invaluable if legal action becomes necessary.

Step 5: Leveraging Support Networks

  • Seek Support: Don’t hesitate to seek support from homeowner associations or advisory services. They can offer guidance and share experiences on similar issues.
  • Using Social Media: In some cases, sharing your experience on social media can help draw attention to your situation and potentially expedite a resolution.

Wrapping Up: Ensuring Your Dream Home with Expertise from Home Snagging UK

As we conclude this comprehensive guide on navigating the post-snagging survey journey, it’s important to reflect on the critical role that such surveys play in securing the quality and safety of your new home. From understanding the intricacies of snagging surveys to effectively communicating with builders and handling complex disputes, this journey can be intricate and demanding.

However, you’re not alone in this process. At Home Snagging UK, we stand ready to assist you every step of the way. Our team of seasoned professionals, with over 20 years of experience, possesses a keen eye for detail, often identifying issues that might be missed otherwise. Our commitment to defect avoidance and adherence to uniform finish criteria ensures that your new home is not just built but crafted to meet your expectations.

Embracing a Smooth Transition into Your New Home

  • Tailored Assistance: Whether it’s conducting an initial snagging survey, providing advice on communicating with builders, or assisting with re-inspections, our services are tailored to meet your specific needs.
  • Building Confidence: With Home Snagging UK, gain the confidence that your new home is scrutinised by experts, ensuring that every corner of your home is as flawless as it should be.
  • Peace of Mind: Our expertise and guidance offer more than just solutions; they offer peace of mind, knowing that your dream home is in capable hands.

Connect with Us

Ready to ensure that your new home is everything you’ve envisioned? Reach out to us at Home Snagging UK. Fill out our online enquiry form or give us a call at 01302957388 to speak with one of our specialists. Stay updated with our latest home-snagging advice by following us on Instagram. Let us help you transition smoothly and confidently into your new home, making it the safe haven it’s meant to be.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

A snagging survey is an inspection of a new property intended to identify issues or “snags” that need fixing, ranging from minor cosmetic flaws to more serious structural defects. It ensures that your new home meets high standards of quality and safety

A snagging survey acts as your first line of defence against potential defects in your new property. It allows you to identify and have defects corrected by the developer early on, protecting your investment and ensuring your home is safe and well-built.

Common defects include issues with plasterwork, paintwork, tiling, plumbing, and external brickwork. These can range from aesthetic concerns like scratched paint to more serious issues such as improperly installed plumbing or missing roof tiles.

For properties bought off-plan, the snagging survey should ideally be conducted just before the legal completion date. For others, it is best done before exchanging contracts, allowing any defects to be addressed within the purchase agreement.

While homeowners can conduct their own snagging surveys, hiring a professional is generally recommended due to their expertise in spotting less obvious issues and the weight their findings carry in negotiations with builders.

If the builder refuses to address defects found during a snagging survey, consulting your solicitor can help enforce the builder’s obligations under your contract or warranty, ensuring that necessary repairs are made.

Yes, investing in a snagging survey is valuable. It helps identify defects for correction before you move in and provides a detailed record of your property’s condition at the time of the survey, useful for insurance or resale.

  1. Review the Report: Carefully examine the snagging survey report to understand the defects listed.
  2. Communicate with Your Builder: Send the report to your builder and arrange for them to inspect and discuss the findings.
  3. Prioritise Issues: Determine which defects need urgent attention based on their impact on safety and functionality.

Forward the snagging survey results to your builder with a cover note highlighting key issues. Arrange a meeting to discuss these issues in detail and ensure you come prepared with a prioritised list of snags.

  1. Seek Clarification: Understand why the builder has refused to address certain issues.
  2. Consult Your Snagging Surveyor: Get advice on the severity of the snags and possible next steps.
  3. Explore Legal Options: If necessary, consider legal advice to determine how to proceed with enforcing defect rectification.

Yes, scheduling a re-inspection ensures that all repairs meet your expectations and the original issues have been adequately addressed. This can be done by either yourself or preferably by a professional snagging surveyor for an unbiased assessment.

Stay in regular contact with your builder during the rectification process, inspect the work done, and if issues remain or new ones arise, discuss these immediately. Document all communications and keep detailed records of the rectification process.

Home Snagging UK and similar services can provide assistance. They offer expert advice, can represent you in discussions with your builder, and help with both initial and re-inspections.

We provide Home Snagging Inspections in…


































We’re home snagging specialists with over 20 years of experience snagging new build homes. We identify construction defects, big or small, that your developer may have missed. We are fully qualified surveyors who work with our customers to make sure they get the perfect home.